Speed Skating LIVE Results

Today, I like to announce and introduce the Speed Skating LIVE Results. The live results are a new service provided by SpeedSkatingNews.info and elementalTIMING.
elementalTIMING offers the Speed Skating Competition Manager (SSCM) which is the most comprehensive service for organizing, managing and processing speed skating events. As a logical next step, the live service was developed.
It gives you instant access to results on current or past speed skating events managed by the SSCM. Doing this, you can follow your preferred competitions in real-time. Currently, the webpage offers “basic” operations for follow a competitions. In the very near futures many more features will complete the service.
Which competitions are shown on the Speed Skating LIVE Results page?
The operators of the SSCM can decide for themselves, whether they want to publish their competitions in “live”.
Why does the new website seem so familiar to me?
Some of you will notice that the look-&-feel of the new web service is very similar to the ISU Live Results page. Even we are not related to each other – this is not a coincidence.
Most speed skating fans are very familiar with this really well webpage and we believe that it doesn’t make so much sense to “reinvent the wheel”. For this reason we have decided to build our service in a very similar way.
What is the Speed Skating Competition Manager (SSCM)?
The goal of the SSCM is to provide the best service to manage, organize and process speed skating events. The service is operative now for 1.5 seasons*. So it’s still fairly new, but some important speed skating rinks in Europe are already using the program.
Some of the main features of the SSCM are to:
- Create and announce speed skating events. Coaches and skaters can use the entry system to register to the announced competitions. The organizer can define distances, time or skater limits, entry fees which can be payed and controlled via the SSCM and much more. There is no need any more to deal with hundreds of registration emails, faxes etc. Everything can be managed via one tool.
- Create ISU compliant drawings. The drawings include any kind of options to manage competitions (incl. quartets, drawing in groups, switch lane, 3rd and 4th distance drawings for combination competitions, mass start, team competitions etc.). Furthermore, the organizer can define own distances (e.g. relays or mixed gender races etc.)
- Create schedules or time tables based on the drawings. This feature gives you the opportunity to calculate the duration of an event or for single races. The manager can define custom breaks for ice preparations, victory ceremonies etc. In the end a schedule which is “exact to the second” can be exported to Excel, Word or PDF.
- Manage the complete time keeping. The SSCM can be connected to any kind of time keeping hardware (photocells, transponders, finishing cameras but also the manual time keeping). Doing so the SSCM will become your master controller of your competition. One operator can manage the entire time keeping process by using the very easy to use user interface. All aspects of time keeping (e.g. false start handling, overlapping or time corrections and much more) are considered.
- Create protocols. The SSCM gives you the possibility to create any kind of protocols (incl. additional separation by age groups, or clubs, nationalities etc.), which can be exported to Excel Word or PDF. Here the layout can by adjusted to your personal needs.
- Connect your scoreboard. All races, drawings, results etc. can be send to your scoreboard. The look of the scoreboard will be adjusted to your requirements and needs.
* and yes – we also had some teething problems in the beginning, but of course they are fixed 😉
Who are the persons behind the Speed Skating Competition Manager?
The SSCM was designed, is developed and will be maintained by people who are involved in speed skating for many many years. It is Lars Hagen (also known as owner of SpeedSkatingNews.info & DESGphoto) and Sören Lindner (owner of Zeitmessung Lindner)
I am interested to get more information. How can I get in touch with elementalTIMING?
Please don’t hesitate and write an email to info@elementaltiming.com. We are happy to give you a demonstration.
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