Speed Skating Competition Manager – hunting for Beta Testers

Even if the winter is over and only a few people think about the competitions of the coming season, the work already continues at SSN.
During the last season we had some talks with some coaches and event organizers. They expressed that it would be fine to have a simple to use tool to generate registrations for competitions. We have now adopted this topic and developed the “Speed Skating Competition Manager – SSCM” (the name is still a mess, but we didn’t had a better idea – so we are open to suggestions of all kinds).
The first version is now ready to get tested. So we ask for your help. The purpose of the BETA test is not just in finding errors but making the SSCM as simple as possible to use and taking your requirements and wishes into account.
But what is the SSCM? Simply said, it is a program that is designed to cover the entire range of pre-competition tasks. The SSCM is accessed via the web browser and is therefore always and everywhere usable. It is aimed at three different groups of people (roles) and should facilitate their work in the course of the competition preparation:
- Organizers of competitions – usually make an announcement for a competition. Afterwards, the coaches have the opportunity to register their athletes. This is done in a number of different ways – by email, phone, fax or smoke signals. This is a huge effort, especially when the competition is changing after their initial announcement…
The SSCM allows the organizers to make their announcements online now. For this purpose the competitions, the distances, the age classes, etc. are created online in a very easy way.
Coaches or team managers can now register to these competitions. As soon as changes are made to the competition (for example changes in distances, etc.), all registered coaches will be informed automatically.
When the registration period is finished (usually on the day of the draw), the organizer can download the list of registered skaters as (correct) Excel file to use it as a basis for the drawing or the time keeping. - Trainer & Team Manager – can register their skaters via the SSCM. This procedure is done in two easy steps. Frist of all a competition created by the organizers (1) is selected. Then the skaters will be assigned to the distanes of the competition.
The SSCM will remember the athletes, that are supervised by a coach, so that a skater just to be created one time. Hence the athlete data stored by SpeedSkatingNews will be used. This saves time and minimizes spellings errors and / or mistakes in birthdays.
A registration of an athlete can be changed at any time via the SSCM very easily. Thus the whole emails and phone calls are omitted. - Speaker & statistician & journalist – the work as a speaker, statistician or journalist is sometimes not so easy. The necessary statistical data must be gathered together. The SSCM supports here. Statistic lists can be created very easily by accessing the database of SpeedSkatingNews.info statistics (best times, records etc.). Later these lists can be exported as Excel files.
Note: the statistics module is not yet active and is still under development
The list of further ideas for development is quite extensive. For example, (until the start of the season) there will be the possibility to make a drawing. Furthermore we are thinking about interfaces to the different time measuring devices. But especially this issue is not so easy and can be done only on request and not completely free of charge.
What we are looking now are beta testers, who will take a look at the SSCM in detail, test it and give feedback. We are particularly focused on coaches and organizers who want to support us in this way in order to make the program more professional, so that they can and want it to use in the next season. If you are interested in participating actively in the BETA-Test, please register below. You will then receive the access link.
[caldera_form id=”CF5916cf5e2329d”]Thank you very much for your support.
Best regards,