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The World Cup has been held since the season 1985/86. In the World Cup various competitions taking place at different locations around the world. According the rules established by the ISU, the athletes get points for placing in the World Cup on the respective distances. Finally, these points are added and determine the winners of the Grand World Cup of each season. The overall World Cup winners will be determined on different distances:
Distances since the beginning of the World Cup 1985/86
Distance changes over the years
The distances but also the rules have changed several times in the history of the World Cup. So in the early years it was common that men and ladies performed the World Cup races on different tracks. This changed sep-by-step in the 90s. Since then the men and women start together. But also the skated distances varied over of time. Since season 2015/16, special Junior and Neo Senior World Cups have also been held.
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